If you have been together for a while or are thinking about making a big financial decision together, having the money talk could make a big difference to whether you go the distance.
Understandably, it may not be the easiest topic to broach, so here’s a bit of a checklist as to what you might discuss, depending on what you have planned going forward.
Talk to your partner about your views around spending and saving. Kicking off with a light-hearted conversation, without judgement, can often be a good place to start.
You might even want to share some examples of things in the past that may have influenced your current views and behaviours. For instance, your last partner may have spent all their money on beer and takeaway food, while you were often left to cover their share of the bills.
2. Sneaky spending habits if you have any
More than one in four Aussies has lied or been lied to about money by a partner, with hidden debt and secret spending two common contributing factors.
With that in mind, if there are a couple of common transactions you make that you know you haven’t always been forthcoming about (how many shopping purchases are you really hiding in the car or closet?), now may be a good time to get that out in the open.
3. Your income, expenses, assets and debts
Your financial situation is an important one to talk about because even if you’re both earning a decent income (and potentially have some assets behind you), big expenses and potentially thousands of dollars of debt between you may impact any plans you have in the short and longer term.
The average credit card balance for instance is around $2,876 in Australia, not taking into account other loans people may have taken out, such as car loans, student loans and through buy now pay later services.
4. Whether you’ve been paying your bills on time
If you’ve got a credit card, personal loan, mobile phone plan or utility account, there’s more than likely a credit reporting agency out there that has a file with your name on it. This file, also known as a credit report , will summarise how good you’ve been at paying your bills and making your repayments on time.
If you have a chequered history, your report mightn’t read particularly well, and this could affect your ability to borrow money for a range of things, which may include a house for the two of you.
5. What’s on your bucket list now and down the track
If one of you has plans to travel, buy property, get married or have children and the other doesn’t, this could raise issues (or maybe opportunities) for further discussion.
6. What a joint budget and savings plan might look like
Committing to something that you both think is fair could go a really long way here. If you’re not sure where to start, a good first step might be drawing up what money is coming in, what money is needed for the mandatory stuff and what may be left over for your social life and savings.
7. Your job security and whether you see a change on the cards
If you’re on the verge of quitting your job or are aware of redundancies happening at work, this is probably worth flagging with your partner as well.
8. Your contingency plan if one of you isn’t earning an income
Approximately one in five Aussies has no emergency savings to keep them afloat when faced with unforeseen circumstances, so it’s probably worth talking about whether either of you have an emergency stash of cash, personal insurance, or anything that may help you get by through a tough period.
If you don’t have a plan b, now might be the time to talk about how you can create one together. Plus, it may reduce the need to rely on high interest borrowing options, such as credit cards or payday loans, which can often be an expensive way to borrow.
9. How you’ll divide costs and or repayments
You may decide to tackle this 50/50 or proportionate to each other’s income. That is something you’ll want to nut out before you take on a big financial commitment together, like renting a property together for example.
10. Potential risks that may arise if you merge your money
If your partner defaults on a repayment, you may be liable for the amount owing, even if your relationship ends. On top of that, ignorance isn’t an excuse, so if you sign papers you don’t understand, you’re no less liable for any loans or guarantees you may have signed off on.
With that in mind, it’s important both of you understand your responsibilities and consider whether you want to put anything you might agree to in writing.
Source: AMP
The information in this article does not take into account your objectives, needs and circumstances. We recommend that you obtain investment and taxation advice specific to your investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs before making any investment decision or acting on any of the information contained in this document.
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